
Photograph courtesy of Larry J. Paris


Imagining Transformations

Dr. Faye A. Paris, RCC-ACS

Counselling, Consulting, Clinical Supervision,

Training and Life-Coach

Greetings & Salutations!

Let us begin by answering this question, “What does the term imagining transformations mean?”. 

Imagining Transformations is a process that uses

mental images and thoughts 

to conceive and create beneficial changes.

We will explore this process by discussing mental images, thoughts, and changes separately.

What are Mental Images?

Mental images exist in our minds but resemble actual events that we perceive or have perceived through our senses. These mental images may be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, or tactile images. By using various types of images together we can recreate or create experiences in our mind, like a writer creates images in a novel.

What are Thoughts?

Thoughts are a way we reason through experiences in our mind. It has been suggested that there are at least seven different types of thoughts. These are termed creative, analytical, critical, concrete, abstract, divergent, and convergent ways of thinking.  (Azman, 2022). The way we think can affect how we view life, as the following quote by Edison illustrates, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. 

How can we Change?

Now that we have defined mental images and thoughts, let us consider how we can change. The process of change can be examined using the cycle of change (Prochaska’s and DiClimente, 1982, 1983). These changes may occur through systematic approaches (See next page) that maintain our personal and cultural continuity (Ball, 1988; Ball, L.V., & Chandler, M. 1989; Chandler M.J. & Lalonde, C.E., 2008).


AZ Quotes. Thomas A. Edison Quotes. [Online-accessed June 24, 2022]. Available: https://www.azquotes.com/

Azman, T. (2022, April 22). 7 Most Common Types of Thinking & How to Identify Yours. In Mandvalley. [Online-accessed June 11, 2022]. Available: https://blog.mindvalley.com/types-of-thinking/

Ball, L.V. (1988). Continuity and commitment in adolescence: A cognitive-developmental study of suicidal and nonsucidal youth. Unpublished master thesis, University of British Columbia.

Ball, L.V., & Chandler, M. (1989, July). Identity Formation in Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Youth: The Role of Self-Continuity. Development and Psychopathology, 1(03).

Chandler, M.J., & Lalonde, C.E., (2008, January). Cultural Continuity as a Protective Factor against Suicide in First Nations Youth. In Horizon Volume 10 Number 1. [Online-accessed June 24, 2022]. Available: https://web.uvic.ca/~lalonde/manuscripts/2009-Horizons-Chandler-Lalonde.pdf.

Linehan, M.M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Guildford Press: New York, New York.

Truyens, M. (2019). Stages of Change Model-Prochaska and DiClimente. In MARCR, Career Professionals, Making a Difference. [Online-accessed May 17, 2022]. Available:  https://marcr.net/marcr-for-career-professionals/career-theory/career-theories-and-theorists/stages-of-change-model-prochaska-and-diclemente/.